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Thumbs Up: easy sign-up, reliable service, includes instant messenger software

Thumbs Down: annoying animated buttons on the ad window

Rating: Review has a simple sign-up procedure, and doesn't require too much personal information to sign up. The service has been stable, and relatively easy to connect to, but we've been experiencing trouble with busy signals during peak Internet usage periods (generally after 5PM weekdays). Many of the other free Internet services will allow you to specify many phone numbers to be dialed to connect, in case one number is busy. only allows one dialup number to be specified, and this may contribute to our difficulty accessing the service.

One thing that we found annoying was the animated buttons on the ad window. These tiny buttons flash advertisements at you, and are meant to catch your attention. Generally, the ads that are in the ad window of all of the free ISP's are animated, but most aren't terribly distracting. What makes's ad window worse than most is the 7 or so buttons all flashing different colors at the same time. I found them distracting, and an annoyance.

One other item to note:'s e-mail service adds the state you live in as part of your address, for instance, I'm undecided about whether this is a good idea. One one hand, you're more likely to get something close to your name as your e-mail address (there can be 50 people whose e-mail address starts with "bob", for instance). On the other hand, your e-mail address is longer, and more difficult to speak. Of course, if you use a free web-based service, this doesn't matter.

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